Investment IdeasMy Portfolio

Moderna, Inc.

Consumer, Non-cyclical
High risk
The Exchange works from 14:30 to 20:50 on your time zone

About investment idea

Moderna, Inc. is engaged in transformative medicines based on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). It has created a platform to improve the underlying pharmaceutical properties of our mRNA medicines. Its platform consists of three areas: mRNA technologies, delivery technologies, and manufacturing processes. It is pursuing mRNA science to minimize the undesirable activation of the immune system by mRNA and to maximize the potency of mRNA once in the target cells. It has advanced in parallel a diverse development pipeline of 21 programs, of which 10 have entered clinical studies and another three have open INDs. Its therapeutics and vaccine development programs span infectious diseases, oncology, cardiovascular diseases, and rare genetic diseases. It has created six modalities prophylactic vaccines, cancer vaccines, intratumoral immmuno-oncology, localized regenerative therapeutics, systemic secreted therapeutics and systemic intracellular therapeutics.

What Are the Benefits of Investing with United Traders?

No minimum threshold

The minimum amount of participation in an investment is the value of one stock.

Profit from the difference in quotes and dividends

You get profit from the difference in quotes and additional profit if the company pays dividends.


To open an account, you do not have to go to the bank - we open an investment account online. To buy stocks, you do not need to install and configure a trading platform.

Low comission

Enter and leave fee is 0.5%, but not less than 0.50$

Tracking results

You can see the result of the investment in your account on your computer or smartphone. The profit chart is updated in real time. The graph has the number of stocks and the exact value of the asset, here you will see a transaction report.

We do not limit the investment period - you can close the deal at any time. However, the longer the investment period, the higher the probability of making money, therefore we do not recommend emotionally responding to possible price fluctuations.

Key investment terms and conditions

Rights and obligations

The investment conditions and obligations of UT are governed by the offer. This document specifies all legal issues.

Exchange Hours

All applications are executed during the operation of the exchange (New York, UTC − 5: 00). An application sent before the market opens is executed in the first minutes of the exchange.

Purchase conditions

The investor makes a profit due to the difference in the value of assets and current shares, but does not own shares.

Miscellaneous terms

The price of a real purchase of shares may differ from the exchange price due to the volatility and liquidity of a particular share.


This is Stocks and ETF investment idea. Analytical department United Traders did not check its potential profitability and risks. You can find the analyzed ideas in the section Best Ideas.

Invest in Moderna, Inc.

The Exchange works from 14:30 to 20:50 on your time zone